Sunday, September 03, 2017

Beginner climbers

In front of lodge Karamatsu, there was a difficult point which called Ushikubi (means cow's head). But, it was easy point for me who through North wall of Kashimayari, kiretto, G5, G4 and Goryu, etc.
On the Ushikubi, 4 beginner climbers came against me. Two of them handed poles in their hand at such a rock's wall. An old lady could not keep 3 point.
As I had a tolerance because of clear the hard point, I could wait them with laugh. And, I said them "Don't need to hurry. come on slowly". And, I advice to their leader to put their poles into their backpack.
My heart might be grew up on the climbing.

1 comment:

  1. Ushikubi:牛首(唐松山荘から五竜岳方向の尾根上にある難所)
