Sunday, September 03, 2017

Local foods

I always eat local famous foods after I climbed.
Nogano's famous food was soba (Japanese noodle). Hakuba town's famous food was horse's meat, according to web site. So, I searched the restaurant where I can eat both soba and horse's meat by smart phone. And, I found it near the Hakuba's JR station.
At first, I wanted to eat raw meat of the horse. But, it was soled for 3 peoples. It was too much for me. So, I selected grilled meat with ginger. But, it was too deep taste for me. So, I couldn't judge the horse meat was tasty or not.
After I'd eaten horse's meat, I ate soba. It was very tasty. I like soba than udon, basically. But, there were a little soba restaurant  in East Japan. So, I always want to eat soba in Nagano and Gifu pref.
I always feel happy when I eat local foods after climbing. My stomach was full of food. My heart was full of satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. soba:蕎麦
    according to:~によると
    grilled meat:焼肉
    deep taste:濃い味
