Sunday, September 03, 2017

Called "Not return"

During I was going to top of Mt. Karamatsu, I could see Mt. Hakuba and famous difficult area "Kaerazu-no-ken".
Kaerazu-no-ken means that Difficult area which can't to return. It was said that the difficulty was more than the kiretto's one. When I started to plan the climbing, I planed to through it at first. But, I thought that it will be too hard to through it after I'd through the kiretto. So, I abandoned through it and climbing Mt. Hakuba in the climbing.
Famous climber Yoki Tanaka said that Hodaka's kiretto was more difficult than the Kaerazu's one. It may be easy for me, because I'd through Hodaka's kiretto.
I have no plan to through it now. But, I may through it someday, if I'll want to conquer all 4 kiretto in Japan. Because, I'd already conquered 3 of them.

1 comment:

  1. Kaerazu-no-ken:不帰の嶮
    Yoki Tanaka:田中陽気
