Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Left knee

I always walk to primary school at the top of slope in the morning. And I run at down slope when I return to home. I always walk and run about 30 minutes almost every morning.
I felt left knee ache when I ran at down slope in this morning. So, I stopped running and start to walk. My left knee is weak. I always feel left knee ache when I walk long distance. I felt left knee ache at the last day of climbing North Alps in this summer, too. I may have to check about it carefully in the hospital if I want to continue to climb.


  1. I am getting better gradually.

    I also should begin to walk .

    Anyway my first job is to recover my health.

  2. When the health condition is bad, we should have a rest. Otherwise, train make hour body tough.
    Taking a balance between rest and train is difficult. I think ideal way is starting to train from warm season.
