Friday, October 12, 2012

After a long interval

I'll climb mountain on Sunday after a long interval. I've never climbed any mountain until I returned from North Alps in August.
I'm tired now because of hard job. But, my son said me to bring him to climbing. I bought him the climbing shoes on September. But, he have never climbed since then. So, he want to use new special boots.
What mountain should I bring him ? I'm searching good mountain which easy to climb and have a nice landscape. As I've never train until North Alps, I may lose him in mountain.


  1. after a long interval:久しぶりに
    since then:それ以来

  2. I strongly recommend you to climb Mt.Takeda .

    Because it's not so hard to climb for your son due to low altitude of 410 M .

    Furthermore the fine landscape can be guaranteed by me.

  3. I decide to climb Mt. Takeda tomorrow. Later I'll show the photo and impression on this blog.
