Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Hard down road

After I left mountain pass Hakuhou, I climbed down to Hirogawara. The road was long and hard.
Stairs and chains often appeared. As I already be very tired, grip of foot was decreased. So, it was dangerous climbing. Safety is the most important for climbing. So, I had a long rest in the middle of the road under the big tree.
At first, I planned to climb until tent site in middle of Mt. Kitadake in the day. But, I abandon the plan and decided to sleep in the night at Hirogawara. It means that I abandon to walk to Mt. Shiomi-dake in the climbing. I re-planned to through Mt. Nohtori-dake and would reach to Narata then.
The second day's climbing was more hard than I imagined.

1 comment:

  1. Hirogawara:広河原
    Mt. Shiomi-dake:塩見岳
