Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top of Mt. Yakushi

Mt. Hohou was constructed by 3 main mountains. They were Mt. Yakushi, Mt. Kannon and Mt. Jizou.
At first, I reached Mt. Yakushi. I could see many major mountains such as Mt. Kai-komagadake, Mt. Senjyou and North Alps mountains, etc. It was a great climbing.
By the way, "Yakushi" is a name of god for health. When we pray to Yakushi, our lie will be fixed. But, I don't believe such a legend.

1 comment:

  1. construct:構成する
    Mt. Yakushi:薬師岳
    Mt. Kannon:観音岳
    Mt. Jizou:地蔵岳
