Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Fried pork

I always eat a famous local food after every climbing. Kuro-Buta (Black poak) was famous in Kagoshima pref.
I searched a most delicious poak restaurant near the hotel in Kagoshima by internet.
It was very succulent and sweat. It may be a most delicious fried pork in my life. But, it was too heavy at last half, because it was oily and big size.
I'd selected pork loin, not fillet. Pork loin had a too much oil. I should selected fillet, because I'm not a boy now.
But, I felt satisfaction and got a nice night in Kagoshima.

Bus stop

After I walked about 30 minutes from entrance of mountain road, I reached bus stop. As I was tired, I couldn't find this board and walked through in front of this. So, I had to look for it for a while.
I had a rest for a while until the bus reached there. And I drunk coffee and miso soup alone there.
I felt satisfaction, because I could do everything which I wanted to do on the island. It was the end of the journey.

End of climbing road

It was fine in the morning after the long rainy night. End of climbing road Yodokou entrance was near the camp site. So, I could easily reached there. It was the end of climbing in Yaku-shima Island.
I could climbed all mountains which I planned, and watched all trees which I wanted to see. So, I was very very satisfied.

Tough and long night

After I climbed down from Mt. Kuromi-dake, it was continually raining. So, I walked fast without watching some sightseeing point.
Before I reached the campsite, I thought I might stay in the lodge, because it was hard rain. But, when I reached the lodge, many many people were there in narrow lodge. So, I abandoned to stay in the lodge and I decided to stay in tent in hard rain. It must be good judgement because I hate to stay with many people in narrow space. I like wet, dirty and alone place more than the place where many people there.
In the night, rain broke into my tent. So, I often had to wipe it and did away to outside. But, I tried to enjoy the tribulation.
I drain my clothes dry by cooker inside the tent despite the action was dangerous. Because, my clothes were wet by hard rain and my sweat. I drained my bills, too in order to use them for bus.
As it was messy to go to latrine in hard rain, I done it to portable latrine in my tent and throw it to outside until the morning.
As it was messy to go to tap, I gathered up rain in my cup, and use it for cooking dinner.
They remain in my mind, as a nice experience.

Mt. Kuromi-dake

Mt. Kuromi-dake was one of 3 main mountain in Island Yaku-shima. The mountain was last of them for me. Conquering the 3 mountains was my major object of the climbing.
Top of the mountain was on the large spherical surface. And the surface was very satiny. And it was very hard rain and windy.
When I stand my upper body on the rock, my body moved by hard wind. So, I crawled to reach the mark of the top.
When I photoed myself, my hand which I handed camera was moved hardly by the wind. So, the work was very hard. But, photograph which include the mark and me was only evidence. So, I tried several times. At last, 8th photograph was catch both the mark and me.
As a result, top of Mt. Kuromi was best memory for the journey in Island Yaku-shima. I won't forget it in all my life. Hard climbing always give me the nice memory.

Top of Mt. Miyanoura

Main object of this climbing was conquer the top of Mt. MIyanoura. When I reached there, team of old climbers were there and on of them talked me and photoed me.
After they left there, I stayed there alone. So, I could enjoyed loneliness there. I basically love loneliness at the top. So, rainy climbing was not bad for me despite no sightseeing.
This was the 14th 100 famous mountain in Japan for me. When I'll climb all of them ? I don't know. But, all of the 14 mountains were very good for me. So, the another 86 mountains must be good, too. I want to climb next 100 famous mountain, soon.

The road like a river

It is said that, it is rain 35 times in a month in island Yaku-shima. It was hard rain when I was walking near Mt. Miyanoura-dake. Climbing road was like a river.
As my climbing boots was old, the inside was submerged. Lens of camera was covered by water drops. So, I couldn't get nice photograph.
At such time, all I was doing was walking.

Shrine near the top

There was a small shrine under the big rock near the top of Mt. Nagata-dake.
 I knew there was a traditional event for local residents in the island which bring the sea sand from the beach and gave it the god. It was a rare event.
I could sea sand and bamboo which be used as a case for sand. I prayed for the traditional event for a while and I started to return to main climbing road.

Mt. Nagata

Distance to Mt. Nagata was short on the map. So, I brought only water and camera. I got careless.
After I left the junction of three branches, it started to be rain hard. As I wore mid layer which resist rain, my upper body was in good condition. But, my lower body was wet. I should brought rain wear. It was common knowledge for climbers. But, my rain wears were in backpack which I left at the junction of three branches.
Later, I reached the top of Mt. Nagata-dake with wet lower body. But, nobody had been there at the top, because it was bad weather. I like loneliness at the top. So, I thanked to bad weather at the top. It was hard and nice climbing.

Deposit back pack

Before I climbed Mt. MIyanoura-dake, I had to climb Mt. Nagata-dake. After I would climb Mt. I had to returned to same place. So, I deposited my heavy backpack at the junction of three branches.
I didn't bring small backpack. So, I brought only camera and a water in pet bottle to Mt. Nagata-dake.

Mt. Miyanoura

Mt. Miyanoura had a beautiful and gentle style. And climbing road to the top was looked beautiful, too. It was a very fine day until then. It was a last figure which I could see the mountain beautiful. Later, it would be rainy and windy day. Very, very hard climbing would start.

Support the big stone ?

I found a strange scene on climbing road. Shin branches are supported a big ball stone. Was it a traditional custom ? Was it only a someone's trick ? It was mysterious.
If I took off a branch, the big stone might start to roll. It was interesting.

Colored by sunrise

I started to climb early in the morning in second day in Island Yakushima. I was most first in the camp site. The road was colored orange by sunrise. It was a beautiful fine morning.
I heard that it often be rain in Island Yakushima. But, it was very fine until the morning. I didn't know that I would be damaged by hard rain after the noon.

Camp site

Camp site in first night was Takatsuka lodge which was there near the Jomon ceder. In the lodge, many people stayed in narrow space.
As I hate to sleep in such a place, I constructed tent and stayed there. My camp site was far from the lodge. So, I could stay in silent trees, and got nice sleep and delicious coffee time.
It was a very very nice night.

Japanese cedar in Jomon period

This photo is famous "Jomon sugi" which means Japanese ceder which had born in Jomon period. It was said from 3000 to 9000 years old. The time was over my imagination.
I had a big yearning to this ceder  from long years ago. I thought I had to see it during I was alive. The dream had been realized.
I wanted to hug the tree before. But enter around the tree was not acceptable. The protective wall surround the tree in order to avoid the roots damaged by human's foots.
I thought it was good judgement. But, I wanted to touch the surface of the tree which stayed in rains and winds for some thousand years.

Happy heart hole

This is a view from inside of Wilson's stub. The sky from there was like a heart mark.
As this mark was famous, I searched the position. But, I couldn't. A woman Knew the position. So, I emulate her, and I could get this view.
Someone said that everyone who watched this heart would be happy.

Wilson's stub

Wilson's stub was very very big stub. There were shrine and stream in the stub, because it was very big.
It was cut in ancient day. A English scholar found the stub, and it was named his name.
In the stub, I could rest for a while alone.


Part of climbing road was on tramroad. So, I could walked easily for long distance. Walking on the railroad was very interesting. It was like boys in "Stand by me".
When I was primary school student, I often broke into the railroad during commuting. I remembered it, and I felt interesting.
After the end of tramroad, hard and sharp sloped climbing road would happen.

Deep forest

After I reached to entrance of mountain road at Shirotani valley, I started to climb.
This was a forest which director Miyazaki had be given a inspiration of the forest in princess Mononoke. In the forest, everything was colored deep green by leaves and moss. I thought air was colored green, too.
But, there was many tourists, because it was near by bus stop. So, I couldn't walk by my pace.

Volcano's explosion

Island Kuchinoerabu's volcano erupted at the time when I reached Island Yaku. The island was there beside Yaku. So, I was surprised when I watched the volcanic smoke.
At first, I thought the explosion had happened on Mt. Miyanoura. So, I thought I had to abandon to climb Mt. Miyanoura.
But, bus driver taught me that the exploded mountain was not Mt. Miyanoura, but Island Kuchinoerabu. So, I could start to climb.
This photo was photoed by me in two days later after it exploded. Island Yaku was hidden by volcanic smoke. I photoed it on the ship when I left the island.

High speed ship

This was a high speed boat which I used between Kagoshima port and Miyanoura on Yaku island.
I stayed about 2 hours in the boat. If it was ferry, it would be more than 4 hours.

Kagoshima city

I reached Kagoshima city in 23:00. About 17 years went by from I standing on the city before. So, I had no memories on the city.
As the shinkansen station was new, city around the station was beautiful, too. But, the road was dirty by volcano's ash from Sakura Island.
I stayed in Hotel at the night, and swept for climbing on Yakushima Island.

Boxed lunch for dinner

After I finished job, I transported to Kagoshima by Shinkansen super express without going back my home.
I think that the transportation before climbing or traveling is the most interesting time with hope and expectation. Drinking beer and eating lunchbox in express was very nice event.
Climbing Mt. Miyanoura-dake would be started soon.