Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Volcano's explosion

Island Kuchinoerabu's volcano erupted at the time when I reached Island Yaku. The island was there beside Yaku. So, I was surprised when I watched the volcanic smoke.
At first, I thought the explosion had happened on Mt. Miyanoura. So, I thought I had to abandon to climb Mt. Miyanoura.
But, bus driver taught me that the exploded mountain was not Mt. Miyanoura, but Island Kuchinoerabu. So, I could start to climb.
This photo was photoed by me in two days later after it exploded. Island Yaku was hidden by volcanic smoke. I photoed it on the ship when I left the island.

1 comment:

  1. Island Kuchinoerabu:口永良部島
    volcanic smoke:噴煙(火山の)
