Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Tough and long night

After I climbed down from Mt. Kuromi-dake, it was continually raining. So, I walked fast without watching some sightseeing point.
Before I reached the campsite, I thought I might stay in the lodge, because it was hard rain. But, when I reached the lodge, many many people were there in narrow lodge. So, I abandoned to stay in the lodge and I decided to stay in tent in hard rain. It must be good judgement because I hate to stay with many people in narrow space. I like wet, dirty and alone place more than the place where many people there.
In the night, rain broke into my tent. So, I often had to wipe it and did away to outside. But, I tried to enjoy the tribulation.
I drain my clothes dry by cooker inside the tent despite the action was dangerous. Because, my clothes were wet by hard rain and my sweat. I drained my bills, too in order to use them for bus.
As it was messy to go to latrine in hard rain, I done it to portable latrine in my tent and throw it to outside until the morning.
As it was messy to go to tap, I gathered up rain in my cup, and use it for cooking dinner.
They remain in my mind, as a nice experience.

1 comment:

  1. brake into:侵入する
    do away:捨てる
    drain ~ dry:乾かす
    gather up:集める
