Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Returned to Hiroshima

In Chitose airport, I read the information which said the plane to Hiroshima might not fly because of bad whether in Hiroshima.
If the whether would change good, the plane turned to Haneda in Tokyo. If the plane would go to Haneda, I had to stay in hotel in Tokyo and I would have to have a holiday of my job. So, I worried about it.
Moving by plane was fast and useful. But, it was weak for bad weather.
As a result, the plane reached to Hiroshima airport. My climbing journey in Hokkaido had finished.
I'm thinking "What mountain would I climb in next summer ?"

Battery charge machine

There was a battery charge machine in Chitose airport. It charge electricity 30 minutes by paying 100 yen.
As I charged my mobile battery one hour by paying 200 yen. It was very useful because I worried the lack of battery for mobile phone.
At the next climbing journey, I will bring more mobile battery.

Genghis Khan

After I moved airport, I ate Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan was a historical hero's name in Mongol. But, in Japan, it was a name of food which was a kind of grille meat. The meat was sheep's. It was famous local food in Hokkaido. I thought I wanted to eat it during I stayed in Hokkaido.
As a result, it was very delicious. And my stomach was full.
I ate some local food in Hokkaido. They were seafood ramen, Hokke fish, Ainu foods lunch box, and Genghis Khan. It was a nice foodie travel, too.

Kucchan station

Kuchan station was nearest JR station from Mt. youtei-zan. There were a little markets and restaurants around it. I like such country town. I walked around the station and bought breakfast during I waited the train.

Could see from bus

I could see beautiful Mt. Youtei-zan from window of the bus which ran from Kyougoku to Kuchan station.
I always like the time when I transport by train or bus after I finished climbing. It was a nice time.

Beautiful Youtei-zan

At last, I could see the summit of Mt. Youtei-zan. What a beautiful mountain it was !
I could't see the summit of Mt. Eishiri-san and Mt. Rebun-dake. Showing the summit might be a present from god.
Mt Youtei-zan is called Mt. Fuji in Hokkaido. I could realize it at the time.

Summit could be seen me

I could see the summit of Mt. Youtei-zan early in the morning. It was first appearance in front of me.
I watched it during I had waited for sunrise.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Eat much

After I reached camp site, I ate much foods which were bought in convenience store. It showed that I wasted much energy for climbing Mt. Youtei-zan.
Climbing Mt. Youtei-zan was one of the hardest climbing in my life. Muddy climbing road, misty ambient and damaged leg, etc afflicted me.
But, after hard climbing, I always feel full satisfaction. It was a very very nice climbing. Climbing in Hokkaido had finished. All I had to do were enjoying camping in last night.

Long road to tent

Camp site was far away from entrance of mountain. The distance was about 4 km.
As the leg was damaged, I felt it was very long and hard.
When I would look at the photo, I found the landscape around the road was very beautiful. But, I could't understand it at the time.

I could down the mountain

Down from mountain was very hard job for injured leg. And as the ground was muddy, I often slipped on it.
When I turned back, the summit was covered by cloud as same as at the time when I'd started to climb.
As a result, it was nice mountain.

Walked around the edge of crater

I enjoyed walking around the edge of crater. It was my first experience. It spent about 2 and half hours. It was very very interesting time despite it was in the mist. It was a nice memory for my climbing life.

Ruins of lodge

Ruins of lodge was there at the edge of crater. New one was there at about 50m underside of there.
Old one must be damaged by hard wind and snow. So the new one was built at the place where the wind was a little.

Depth of crater

When I reached opposite side of crater, the mist reduced. And I could see the depth of crater. It was very very happy. If I could't see it, I could't realize that I walked around the crater. It was a good memory.
There was a small pond at the depth. And it was covered by green on the ground.
It looked easy that it was easy to walk down to the depth. But, there was no road on the map. So, I imagined that there would be a poison around there. So, I abandoned to do it.

Edge of crater was hard road

Edge of crater was like a back of Godzira. It was a hard road. I walked on it by damaged leg. But, it was very interesting.

Difficult language

Language was written on big rock at the edge of crater. It looked like Chinese word. So It was difficult to know the meaning.
All I could know was that it was written by any group of climbing.

Inside of crater was in mist

Inside of crater was covered by deep mist. So, I could see nothing inside of it.
I abandoned to see landscape. And I'd started to walk around the circle of volcano.

Had a rest after climbed in mad

After I photoed at the summit, I had a rest at the hide of rock under wind.
As the climbing road was muddy, it was difficult to climb. I had a hard pain at right leg. It was a hard climbing.
But, I would have to circle around the crater of volcano. And, I would have to down the mountain.

Summit of Mt. Youtei-zan

At last, I could reached the summit despite my right leg had been damaged. The summit was at the edge of crater. Hard wind which include mist was from inside of crater. So, it was difficult to stay for a long while beside the board of the summit.
It was 23th mountain in 100 famous mountains in Japan.

Circle around crater of volcano

I walked around the circle of crater of volcano. Unfortunately, I could't see the inside of crater.
I started to walk on edge of the crater. It was my first experience. Someday, I would do it at Mt. Fuji-san.

Triangulation point

I have a rule to touch triangulation point of mountain which I'd never climbed. Triangulation point was often there at another place with summit. Mt. Youtei-zan was one of such mountain.
Highest point might change by caving rocks.

End of Crater

The summit of Mt. Youtei-zan was a big circle of crater. At last, I could see the end of the crater. The summit was soon.

Climb in rock

At near the summit, trees were not there and rocks appeared. It was a typical sightseeing of volcano.
Sand and small rocks were steal my feet. It was difficult to walk.

Mist appeared near the summit

When I looked up, I found the mist was there upper side. When I was middle height of the mountain, it was fine. So, Only the area around the summit must be covered by cloud. It was same with the situation which I'd seen last day from bus.
I understood that it would be difficult to see landscape from the summit.

Could see gland

It was first fine day in Hokkaido. Climbing in fine day was nice. I could see Kougoku area in Kucchan. The height was about 1,000m.


I could see a beautiful sunrise in Mt. Youtei-zan. Watching the sun was first time in the climbing journey.
I hoped that I would see great landscape from the summit.

Climb in dewy bush

The bush was dewy. So, my pants was wet soon after I entered climbing road. So, I had to wear the rain pants.
I jingled a bell in order to avoid bear. Climbing in the dark in Hokkaido was fear.

At last I reach entrance of Mt. Youtei-zan

After I walked about one and half hour in the dark road, I reached the entrance of climbing road. At last, my painful climbing had started. I always asked myself "Can I came back safety ?" It was a worrying climbing.

Post for entering mountain

In the dark, deluxe post for climber appeared in front of me. The post was for installing the climbing plan. The plan help climber when he get lost in the mountains.
It was most deluxe post in every post which I'd met. If I came back and install the plan, they would send me a memorial letter. It was also my first experience.
After I wrote it in the note, I left there with damaged right leg.

Walk in dark

As my leg had been damaged, I started to climb early in the morning. It was 1:30AM.
Basically I always had't afraid dark in mountain and forest. But, I afraid darkness at the walking, because it was in Hokkaido. There were many wild animals such as bear and bear, etc.
The darkness was very deep which I'd never had stayed. When I walked near mountain, I saw 2 light in the dark. It was eyes of animal. I imagined that it was fox's one. The eyes watched me for a while and escaped.
It was one of the most horrible experience in my climbing.

Achilles tendon was damaged

I felt pain at Achilles tendon of right leg until about the time when I reached Kucchan. It was difficult to walk.
So, I considered whether I would be able to climb Mt. Youtei-zan or not. The height was over 1,800 m. It was not easy mountain.
I considered during from I'd reached Kucchan to the next morning.
I decided to try to climb until I would feel impossible to climb more. I would turn back at the time.
I always bring tape and manual to put it to the ankle. And I'd started to climb.
It was not good judge for climber. Judging to retire was most important thing for climber. I knew it. But, I could't retire in front of the mountain.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Convenience store was very useful

Convenience store was there near camp site. I could foods and other items there. It was very useful.
The dinner was chicken fly.

Last target appeared

When I reached Kucchan station by train, Mt. Youtei-zan appeared in front of me. The summit was covered by cloud. But, I could image the beautiful style like Mt. Fuji. It was last target of my Hokkaido journey.
But, I had a worrying about ankle's pain. I could't remember when I was damaged. Would I stand on big summit tomorrow ?

Otaru station

Otaru was famous about the retro style. So the window of station was designed so.
When I was university student, I carried bike by ferry from Maizuru in Kyoto pref. to Otaru. It was about 30 years ago.

Ainu traditional food

I changed train in Sapporo station. I bought lunch box during waiting next train.
The lunch box was Ainu style. Ainu was a native population in Hokkaido. They were like Indian in America. There descendant are alive and staying in Hokkaido.
The meet was deer's one. The rice was colored by fruits to purple.

Typical landscape of Hokkaido

I could see wide farm from window of local train. It was typical landscape in Hokkaido.
When I was young, I felt happy to see such landscape. But, I did't feel so. 30 years might abrade my heart. I was interested in only mountain.

Gave photo data for university's examination

When I waited first train in Wakkanai station, a guy and auto moving machine approached me. And he asked me to give the picture data which photoed around the area.
They compile photo data with place and day. And they would send the data to the future. They were the team from 4 universities.
I gave picture data which be photoed in Rebun island.

Wakkanai town

When I down from hill which the campsite was there, I could see Wakkanai small town. Wakkanai was base to go to Rishiri and Rebun islands.
When I walked down in the down slope, I watch a fox. It was my first contact with it in the journey.

Melon taste bread

After I woke up in the morning, I ate breakfast slowly. It was melon taste bread. It looks tasty in the shop before I bought it. But, I did't want to eat it. But, it was only food which I could eat at the time. So, I flowed it in my throat by coffee.
After I ate it, I packed tent in backpack slowly.
There was enough time to ride train in Wakkanai station.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Every dinner was cheap

I ate cheap foods which I'd bought in shop in Wakkanai town. Every dinner was such one. Apatite was a little in the journey.
But, eating such foods alone in tent was very interesting.
Job in the next day was only move by train. So, my heart was relaxed. I like such time.

Camp site in Wakkanai

The campsite was there at hill in Wakkanai town. As it was maintain well and beautiful, many tent was there. Most of them came by auto bike. Walker was I only.
In the night, I watched many deer. And, I watched fox. In Hokkaido, people stay with animals in the town.

Food shop in Wakkanai town

After the ferry reached to Wakkanai, I walked to market in the town in order to buy the dinner and next breakfast.
In the climbing journey, I could buy foods easily. So, I did't need to cook and brought foods in mountain. It was very easy and useful. It was strange style for me. But, I thought it was nice, too.

From Rebun to Hokkaido island

I moved by ferry from Kafuka port in Rebun island to Wakkanai port in Hokkaido main land.
Climbing and staying in Rebunisland was very interesting. Nice climbing, nice camp site and nice mid night walking, etc.
Perhaps, I will never go to the island in my life. But, I'll never forget the island.

Local food restaurant in the island

When one minutes passed after I backed to the entrance of climbing road, bus reached there. So, I rode on the bus without washing boots and wears. So, I thought sorry to bus driver. But, I could't wait to next bus, because it would reach there after I would wait for about 1 to 2 hours.
During I waited for the time when ferry would start, I ate restaurant in ferry port building. I select the grilled fish and rice set. Because the fish "Hokke" was local food in there. It looked tasty. But, it was not so delicious.

Back to get dropped wear

When I unload small back pack, I found it open and a wear be dropped. As the fastener was loose, the back was opened.
The wear was most favorite one. And it was expensive. But, I'd be tired and I wanted to escape from mountain. So, I considered whether I would back to mountain in order to get the wear or not for a while.
As A result, I got it after I climbed again for about 30 minutes. It was hard job.
Climbing same road without long interval was not interesting.

Pick up hidden backpack

I picked up my backpack which I'd hidden at near the entrance of climbing road.
I always feel relief when I found backpack which be deposit was safe.
But, I found a trouble had happened

Mt. Rebun-dake

At the summit of Mt. Rebun-dake, super hard wind and cold rain attacked me. I wanted to stay there for a while like at another mountains. But, it was impossible.
I felt my heat energy was stolen by the wind and rain.
I escaped from there after I photoed myself and some landscapes.
I realized that I stayed in Hokkaido. As a result, it was most interesting mountain in 3 mountains which I'd climbed in Hokkaido. It was very nice mountain.