Saturday, December 29, 2012


I'm working in my office now despite it is holiday today. Nobody call to me in holidays. So, I can work with concentration.

Friday, December 28, 2012

End of year

In these years, I can't realize it is end of year.
When I was child, all shops were closed in new year day. So, my parents bought many goods and foods at the end of year. And, they cooked much for new years day in order to rest in new year day. So, they were busy.
But, many shops and convenience store open in these years. And, box lunches are soled there. So, we are not busy.
It is very convenient. But, I'd liked old day's end of year. Many traditional events are going to extinct instead of convenience.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I disassembled muffler in last evening. But, there were few carbons inside it. So, the stopping engine is not because blocking up of muffler.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bike condition

My bike is in bad condition in these days. The engine often stop during running. As my bike don't have battery, stopping engine on the road in the night is very dangerous. It always be improved about five minutes later after starting engine. It may be because of coldness in this season. But, it is first experience for my bike.
I changed the plug yesterday. But it was not improved. I'll wash inside of muffler later.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


It was warm in this morning. Temperature gauge on the road showed 9 ℃. It always be warm when it is cloudy.

Friday, December 14, 2012


I have no power to do something after I finished examination on last Saturday. I won't to study for a while. I should have a rest for a while.
By the way, result of examination must be successful. I found I have a sense for craftworker, too.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I ate tasty Udon in Ondo yesterday. The soup was made by flying fish. It was expensive. But, I want to go to eat it again.

Friday, December 07, 2012


I went to Uokiri dam which was there near the construction site. The cost to construct it surprised me. The cost was about 16.9 billion yen.
On the stone monument, they brag about the huge cost and long term to construct as if they are the great conduct.
I don't know whether the dam is good for citizens around there or not. But, I think it is huge waste of money and silly conduct. I want to say them "Damn it ! ". ・・・It's a nice pun.

Thursday, December 06, 2012


There was a wide aquarium at the entrance of customer's office. In wide aquarium a small world was there. I want to have such a aquarium someday.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012


Temperature gauge showed 1℃ in this morning. It's pain that commuting by bike in this season.

Monday, December 03, 2012


Surface of road on bridge was froze in this morning. So, I drove my bike carefully. I watched traffic accident during I was commuting.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paid holiday

When I woke up yesterday, it was rain. So, I decided to get a paid holiday. I stayed in my home and watched animation DVD alone. It was nice holiday.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Colored leaves

We could see beautiful colored leaves in autumn in Toyo Island.
Basically, I hate congested road and place. So, I don't like to go to the place where is famous for having colored leaves such as Miyajima Island, Sandankyo and Buttuuji in this season. But, I like to see colored leaves.
As I missed the configuration of camera, This photo is too shiny and too white.


I went to Mitarai area in Toyo island. Mitarai area is famous as old town where have many old houses from Edo Period. It was very nice place. I like such town such as Onomich, Tomonoura and Takehara, etc.
Until we reach there, we through many bridges between islands. As the road was empty, I could enjoy driving.
At the end of the travel, we ate Anago Donbri and Zenzai.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


As I swept all day long yesterday, I had mended in this morning perfectly. So, I'm working today despite it is mid in 3 continuous holidays.
Can I become happy on this situation ?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


As it was warm in the daytime, I opened window and napped in the car. Later,  I had a cold. I'll go home early in this evening.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I could have a rest yesterday after a long interval. I'm in good condition now. I understand that suitable rest is important for body and soul.

Friday, November 16, 2012


This insect is very dangerous. But, I think this is very beautiful.
I heard that the rope which have black and yellow stripe trace back to this bee. Everyone intuitively know that it is dangerous when they watch the rope. Before I listen it, I had thought it trace back to tiger.
By the way, this bee had died at the time, of course.

Colored leaves

I watched beautiful colored leaves today. Mobile phone's camera couldn't catch the beauty.
I want to see colored leaves at north area of Hiroshima pref. with my family. But, my daughter will exam soon. So, we'll can't go anywhere in this weekend.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


It was cold in this morning today. Temperature gauge on the road showed 4 ℃. Winter has come. I have to prepare the cloths for winter.
I worked in mountain area in north side of Hiroshima city. I found a little snow was included in the rain.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

12 shinsyou

Shinsyou means that the god's soldier who guard the heaven. There are 5 Shinsyous of 12 shinsyou in the museum.They look tough, powerful and beautiful..
I think ancient artists are greater than modern artist. For example, MichelangeloBeethoven and Gogh, etc. I guess that creative power now must be weaker than ancient days

Cray figure

I'd watched this cray figure on school text books, too. This is a figure which copy the ancient soldier.
When I was primary school student, I had afraid his eyes which is black hole. I had a same impression when I watched it in the museum.
By the way, we can see only front side on books. But, I could see back side in the museum.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Clay pot

This must be the most famous pot in Japan. There are many impress of rope on the surface. So, It is called to Jyomon style clay pot. Jyomon means impress of rope.
Upside of this pot describe the fire. What a great expression power they have ! I always surprise that the ancient people who lived more than 2000 years ago can make such a nice creations.

Clay doll

In the museum, there are many important cultural properties which I'd seen on school textbooks.
This is a clay doll which is famous as it looks like alien. I'd moved because the items which are only on books are appeared in front of me.
By the way, what did they want to describe ? Is this a fat lady ? Aliens might have come in front of them in ancient days.

Tokyo national museum

I went to Tokyo national museum in Ueno. It was my first experience.
As the flight time was 3 P.M, I stayed there about 3 hours. It was too short to see every treasures in there. I should reserve more late flight.

Cheap hotel

I stayed in cheap hotel in Ikebukuro. It was very narrow. It was not beautiful in the room.
But, all my demand for hotel is the space to sleep safety. So, It was enough for me. I could get a good sleep until next morning.

Traffic light

An engineer talk about traffic light system. He is working in the maker which make many signals.
He teach us that the traffic light for walker in Tokyo is special. Tokyo's one show every small LED light directly to walkers. But, in other prefecture, we can't see LED light directly, because the color board is there between LED and outside.
It is spec of metropolitan police department.


I'd joined a seminar in Tokyo which Professional Engineers are gathered. I heard many engineer's hard condition. Japanese makers are in bad situation. Until then, I couldn't know the such situation of Japanese maker, as I stayed in narrow society which include my company.
But, they are challenging as the high level engineers. I hope they will improve Japan.


I removed between Hiroshima and Tokyo by airplane. I don't like to ride on airplane. I always imagine it will go down. But, it is cheaper than Shinkansen super express. So, I selected it.

Thursday, November 08, 2012


I'll stay in Tokyo on Saturday and Sunday in order to meet friends which have same technique license. The license is  Professional Engineer. They always make me aspiringly. So, I always go there every year.
But, it's hard to play two days now for me.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Many new jobs are coming on my desk now. So, I can't understand that it is under economic depression now in Japan. I want free time more than money and position.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Economic book

I read the economic book which I rend at library. The title was "The world is going to the new finance crisis". It was brought out about 2 years ago. And, it foresaw about recent days. As a result, it told many lie.
Basically, I don't believe critical writers. But, I read it because the title interest me.

Fatigue failure

My bike's rear career had been fatigue failure after I rode in forest road. I have to weld it for fixing it.
On the dart road, hard force must be make damage to bike's body. By the way, I have muscle ache now at legs, hands and back. Dart road made damage to my body, too.

Friday, November 02, 2012


I watched nightmare early in this morning.
Nightmare which I watch always have a relationship with the event which happened in real world. I wonder that do my brain can take a rest at such sleeping.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Forest road

I have a friend who is working in my customer's company. So, he is my friend and customer.
He said me to go to forest road in this weekend.
I'm considering whether I should go or not. Because it will be cold in north area of Hiroshima pref. And, I'm too busy. But I have a mind which I want to forest road for a switch.


It is cold in the morning. I have to prepare the winter wear for bike. Bud season for commuting is coming.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Changed the tire

I went to bike shop and changed front tire last evening. As the shop is there at Kabe in Hiroshima, it was hard job to go there. But, the mechanic always work sincerely. So, I always bring my bike there.
I changed brake pad, too. As the brake disc is worn, the front brake couldn't work well until it will fit.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I intend to buy a tablet PC "Kindle fire HD". I heard the new product have the high quality. Before I'll buy it, I have to prepare the wi-fi system in my home.
After I'll get it, I'll write blog comment in my home easily.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Front tire

My bike's front tire is worn. So, I have to bring my bike to bike shop. But, I have no time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I bought guppy after my son's ceremony yesterday for him. I prepared air pump, bacteria and sand. So, they must be alive for long while.
When I watch the fishes are swimming, I can fell comforted.

Award ceremony

I attended my son's award ceremony yesterday. He was commended about his painting. The title is "Great grandpa who is 100 years old and I". He have been commended in 3 continuous  years.
I think his picture is certainly nice. When I was child, I was said that I'm good at painting. But, he is better than I.


I'm working now despite it is Sunday today. I'm writing this comment on every Sunday in these months.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I bought burger at the shop and ate it at seaside yesterday. As my wife is fun of Mos burger, we ate it. All I had done yesterday was it.
By the way, I'm fan of McDonald.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Walk in the morning

I walked and ran in this morning after a long interval. I had not walked after climbing North Alps in this summer. So, It was hard job. But, I'm feeling nice now. I could understand that moving body is good soul, too.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Muscle ache

I have a hard muscle ache at legs and arms. It must be because climbing after a long interval. My son don't have it. Youth is strength.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

God's Island

Miyajima is God's Island. It resister as a world heritage.
I saw many foreigners such as Korean and European or American. The landscape is not special for us. But, it may be special for them.

Mt. Misen

I climbed Mt. Misen in Miyajima Island with my son today.
As the island is famous tourist site, many people were there around the top and near the god's gate. But, climbing road was very empty.
The climbing was more hard than I foresaw. It must be because of lack of training.

Friday, October 12, 2012

After a long interval

I'll climb mountain on Sunday after a long interval. I've never climbed any mountain until I returned from North Alps in August.
I'm tired now because of hard job. But, my son said me to bring him to climbing. I bought him the climbing shoes on September. But, he have never climbed since then. So, he want to use new special boots.
What mountain should I bring him ? I'm searching good mountain which easy to climb and have a nice landscape. As I've never train until North Alps, I may lose him in mountain.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Last one died

Last goldfish died yesterday. When I returned home, my son had buried it. The aquarium had been empty. I heard that goldfish which soled at festival was weak.
Watching fish in living room is very interesting. I may buy some fishes and equipment someday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


One of goldfish died last evening. Another one had died in this morning. Only one fish is alive now. I foresee that he will die until this evening.
If I bleeding it alone, I'll discard them into dust box. But, it must be bad for son's education. So, we went to park in order to bury it in this morning.
We buried them beside big tree in the park. I told him that the dead body will be nourishment for tree. This conduct must be good for his education.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Rice paddy

There are many rice paddy around my family home in Okayama. There is no rice paddy around my home and office in Hiroshima.
When I stayed there, I couldn't feel it beautiful. The reason why I can feel it beautiful now may be getting older.

River side

My family home in Okayama is there near a river. My mother's tomb is there near the river, too. So, we often walk on the bank.
I felt the autumn has come.

Monday, October 08, 2012


There are three goldfish in my house. They were caught by my son at festival.
Until then, I did not know that keeping fish as a pet is so difficult. If my son was not there, I must be shoot the fishes into dust box. But, as it is bad for children's education, I can't do so.
After I return from festival, I went to buy feed, water grass and water conditioner, etc. It was hard job now for me.

Sunday, October 07, 2012


I fixed my wife's tire which blew out. As the bicycle is not sport's type, it's not easy to dismount the tire from body. So, it was difficult to fix it.
When I put the tire which include air into the water, air bubble had appeared. So, I could find the hole on the tire.
Later, I put the rubber patch on the place, and took the tube into the tire. The job had been succeeded.


After I came back from examination, my son said me to bring him to festival. So, I went to shrine despite I was tired. He bought goldfish, okonomiyaki and a lot. As he was beginner, he could't catch a goldfish.
By the way, it was out of my foresee that "Kingyo" is goldfish in English.

Score 98 out of 100 points

I took an exam yesterday. As it was too easy, I swept on the desk in exam site.
In the evening, I checked the result on the net. Of coarse the result was good. I got score 98 out of 100 points. The reason is not my cleverness, but the easiness.
After I success paper examination, I have to take a practical exam. For me, the practical one is big problem. I have to train for it in my company's factory until December 8. But, I will not study for a while.

Friday, October 05, 2012


3 days off will start tomorrow. I will not go to office all 3 days. When I will reach to office on Tuesday, hell will appear in front of me.
By the way, I always writing negative comment in these days..

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Outdoor season

It is autumn. I can feel nice cool wind during I am commuting. It's best season for leisure.
I want to climb. I want to go forest road. I want to camp with my family. I want to go to theater in Fukuoka. But, all of them will be impossible for me at least until October will be finished.
Damn it!  I am too busy !
At first, I'll finish examination on Saturday. Next, I'll finish going my family home in Okayama on Sunday and Monday. I'll delete papers on my fucking desk. And, I'll go to climb, forest road, camping and theater, etc.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Over parenting

My son had experimented about "Bolta Battery" as a summer vacation homework. (
The literature was recognized as honorable mention. Only three men was recognized in his class. So, he and my wife feel delight. But, I don't.
When he wrote the report, I might helped too much. On the report, the schema is wrote at first. And the vision is wrote at the end. It's the engineer's style. School teachers are amateur about experiment and the report. So, they might thought the report was great.
But I can't say them now that it isn't by his ability.

Back trouble

As I swept all day long yesterday, I have a backache now. Working hard make body ill. But, Rest too much make body ill, too. Human's body is inconvenient.
But, other parts of my body such as brain is renewed. Rest is important.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alternative holiday

I'll get alternative holiday tomorrow. I have to repair my wife's bicycle. The tire have been blown up.


The guy on this background is me. As the face is in shadow, only my friends will be able to identify. So I could upload this photo.
This is most favorite photo in this summer. The peaked summit is Mt. Yarigatake. What a cool mountain it is ! This is most nice mountain for me.
As I was alone on the top of Mt. Ohbami, I putted camera on the rock and photoed by self timer.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


I'm working today despite it is Saturday. I'll work tomorrow despite it will be Sunday. But, I'm not a workaholic. Because I know this situation is not normal. And I hate this situation.

Friday, September 28, 2012


I've had a headache from morning. I drunk medicine. But it's not fine. The reason must be tiredness.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


I often be bitten by mosquito in these days. As it is more cool than mid summer, I stop air controller and be opening windows. So, they must be break in my room and office.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eerie figure

My son bought eerie figure. This is a puzzle which bring the eerie dwarf out from the cage. He says he is very charming. But, I can't understand his feeling. I think this is very ugly.
I tried the puzzle about 30 minutes. But, I couldn't.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mt. Daisen

I promised my son to climb Mt. Daisen in this autumn. He often ask me when we'll climb. But, it may be impossible. I'm too busy.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Too busy

I'm too busy. I'm working hard. But, papers on the desk don't be decreasing. I shouldn't take a holiday yesterday. What time can I go home today ?

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I had a nap twice today. At first, I swept between 8 to 10 in the morning. At the second, I swept between 15 to 18. All I had done today was that went out to have a lunch with my family. I won't sleep well in this night.

Have a rest

I could finished job yesterday. So, I can take a holiday today. I'll stay home and have a rest.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


When I commute by bike in this morning, I felt very cold. It's too suddenly. If I nap it, I'll have a cold. As it was too cold, I stopped bike and wore the rain wear.

Friday, September 21, 2012


I'm working now. I don't know what time when I'll go home. I have to work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow despite it will be Saturday and Sunday.
Writing long English comment give me hardness now.

Night game

I went to baseball stadium in the day before yesterday. As it was cool, watching the game was not bad. Beer was tasty. Hiroshima Carp loose the game.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I'll go to see baseball game in this evening. A pump maker invite me as I sometimes buy pump from them. But, I'm not interested in baseball. So, I want to go home and sleep. But it's difficult to cancel such an invitation.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mt. Fuji

Fuji is highest mountain in Japan. I've climbed third highest mountain Okuhodaka, and fifth highest mountain Yari-gatake. So, I'm thinking I want to climb No.1.
I think Fuji in season is worst mountain for me because of the crowd. So, I plan to climb it out of season. But, I heard it is very cold. It is about -1℃ at the top even in mid summer. So I have to prepare the equipment for winter such as heavy sleeping bag.
Season for climbing Mt. Fuji is from July to August. So, I'll try it on June or September in next year.
But, I have many plan to climb. For example, they are Mt. Nishihodaka, Kashimayari, Kasa and Tsurugi, etc. So, I may climb other mountain in next summer.

Monday, September 17, 2012


It is rain now.
As I worked yesterday despite it was holiday. It was busy in those days.
So, I'll stay in home leisurely.

Forest Park

I went to Mominoki forest park in Yoshiwa. As it often be rain, the obstacle course was empty. So, my children could play there enough. But, they often slipped on woody equipment because of the wetness.
Wet leaves in forest were very beautiful. So, I don't hate rainy climbing. I'll start to climbing soon, because the examination had finished.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


My young colleague decide to retire because of bad health condition. He have been back problem for a long while. It have been worse now more than before, and he can't work enough. As he is a worker at construction site, his body is only equipment for work. He decided after he was bothered.
As he is 20 years old, I hope he will study and get skill for desk work. But, it must be difficult. Because he is not a white collar, but a worker. I don't discriminate, but I think the white collar and the worker are different in race.
I understand again that the health is most important. But almost everyone will be in bad health condition when he will be elder. At such situation, only knowledge, technique and skill will help our life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I finished examination the day before yesterday. I took exam about two subjects. One was about electric power. The other was law about electric job. As I studied about electric power enough, I'll succeed about the subject. But, I couldn't study enough about law, it will be missed. So, I'll have to try the object next year.
By the way, I can play and have a rest for a while.

Friday, September 07, 2012

Paid holiday

I got a paid holiday yesterday. One reason was that I didn't want to work in the morning. Other reason was for study in my home.
Staying home alone in weekday was very nice. I could study well and stay with relaxation.
When I stand in front of my desk in my office in this morning, I found paper mountain had built.

Sunday, September 02, 2012


As the examination for license will be held on next Sunday, I'm studying all day long in these days. If I can get this license, it's good for my job. So, I make an effort now. After I finished it, I'll start to play. Until then, I have to bear up.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

U.S airforce

I worked in U.S base in Iwakuni from Monday to Wednesday. I could see cool battle plane many times. Unfortunately, I couldn't photo it, because of military secret. If my photoing was found by military police, I must be picked out.
Sound of battle plane was very big. I could understand the anger of citizen around there.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Indian food

I often go to Indian food restaurant with my family. It is there in the building in Hiroshima port. We can always eat delicious naan, tandoori chicken and curry.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


When I see the sky from my window in this morning, I could see beautiful sunrise glow. I photoed it. But, the beauty couldn't be presented. I think the photo is difficult, especially sunrise and sunset.
By the way, sunrise glow at Mt. Hotaka was very beautiful.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Barber's shop

I went to barber's shop after job yesterday. I feel my head is light and cool. I always feel so after cutting hair.
But, I always feel messy before going to barber's shop. So, I'm waiting until my hair be long. I always think that I should go to barber's shop more fast. But, I always can't do so.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Alternative holiday

I want to get holiday which alternate Sunday's job. But it's difficult.
If I get holiday in week day, there are many merit. It is empty in many shops. I can get feeling of superiority which I can get rest during others are working.
By the way, my hair is too long. I want to go to barber's shop.

Monday, August 20, 2012


After summer vacation, I'm too busy. I worked on Saturday and Sunday. I want to get alternative holiday in someday. But, it's difficult.
It may be happy at such economic depression. But, I want to stay more slowly.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Sea bathing

I went for a bathe with my family at the day before yesterday. My son especially enjoyed it, because he is swimmer. As I stayed in sunny, my shoulder is having a ache by suntan.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Have a rest

As I couldn't bring my family to camp, I'm free from yesterday. So, I can be having a rest. I was hard in these months. So, this is good chance for my body. I'll start hard job tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I planned to go to camp with my family. But, it is hard rain now. So, I'll cancel it.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Bolta battery

My son planned to make experiment about Bolta battery. It is an assignment for summer vacation of his primary school. He wanted to do it when he read the book about Edison. And, I helped him.
Bolta battery is very simple battery. 1 yen coin, 10 yen coin and paper which include salty water make electricity. As the electricity is very small, he used LED light for checking.
As a result, LED light brought. His experiment was succeeded. All I had done was buying items for the experiment.
I'm now helping his making report.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Buckwheat noodle in Takayama

I ate buckwheat noodle "soba" near Takayama station.
City Takayama is in Hida area. Hida area is famous for soba like Shinsyu area.
There were many soba shop around Takayama station. When I choice the shop, I cut out the shop which was selling both ramen and soba. I always think that the specialist always pursue one thing.
In the soba shop, I ordered Tenpura soba with beer. It was very expensive, but it was very delicious. Clark brought me sobayu which was the boiled water to make noodle boil. When I drunk it, I could feel in relax atmosphere. I could stay in luxury time after long climbing.

Date:August 6, 2012

Wait bus

At bus stop Shinhodaka spa, many high school students waited. I thought I couldn't ride on the bus. They were the student who were there at same camp site.
As a result, they rode on special bus which they ordered. So, I could ride on empty bus.
By the way, my climbing to Kumonotaira in last summer had started from this bus stop. So, I missed the last climbing.

Date:August 6, 2012

Shinhotaka Spa

I went to bath in Shinhotaka Spa after I went out from mountain road.
Until then, I did't wash my body for 4 days. Much perspiration must be making hard bad smell at my body. Much perspiration must be there inside of my cloths. I had prepared clean cloths until then.
In the bathroom, I had refreshed by clean water, soap and shampoo. In the bathroom, I felt as if I stayed in the heaven.

Date:August 6, 2012

Climb down

Mountain road from Yaridaira to Shinhodaka spa was flat and easy. I walked down beside river. But, it was not nice, because it was rain.
When I looked to left side, I could see Gens d'armes in the valley. I thought it was very fast. Walking on flat road was fast.
Later, I could reached to Shinhodaka spa easily. My climbing in this summer had finished.

Date:August 6, 2012


It was hard rain in the night. It was first rain in this climbing. As my tent was high quality's one, it was no damage inside tent.
When I prepared to start, almost every campers had started.
I wore rain wear and started to walk.

Date:August 6, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Camp site Yaridaira

I reached camp site Yaridaira early. This was last rest point in the climbing.
After I assembled my camp, many high school student reached and assembled their tent near by me. I met them at lodge Yarigatake.
When I listened their conversation, I knew that they came from Okayama where was my home town. They played noisy in daytime. But, I could get daytime nap well, because I had earplug. They were silent at night. Their manners were better more than I expected.

Date:August 5, 2012

Emergency box

I found a interesting thing between Mt. Yarigatake and lodge Yaridaira. It was a box which include emergency items such as water, battery and repair goods for boot, etc.
Inside this box, I found a steel box. I didn't open the steel box, because I had no latitude.
Somebody's life might be helped by this box. This box was maintained by lodge Yaridaira. I don't want to be situation to be helped by this box.

Date:August 5, 2012

Field of grass

When I went down from ridge of Mt. Yari, deep mist appeared and it surround me. When I looked up the ridge, ridge was covered by the mist, too.
Fortunately, I stayed in fine weather in 3 days at the ridge of Hotaka mountain system. Basically, I'm lucky about weather when I climbing.
After I went down about 2 hours, the ground changed from rock and stones to field of grass. It made me think the climbing had finished. I always feel melancholy when I go down the mountain. My summer had finished in this year.

Date:August 5, 2012

Yari again

I reached the root of Mt. Yarigatake. I felt that the climbing had almost finished at the time, because all I would do was walking down the slope.
I reached there in about 2 years. I climbed to the top with my friend about 2 years ago. It is one of my most nice memories. I had stayed the lodge Yarigatake at the time.
I thought I would climb to top, if the mountain road was empty. But, it was very busy. Many people made a long queue. So, I canceled to climb it. And I think I have no need to climb to same top.
After I photoed sometime and had a rest, I started to waked down to Yaridaira.

Date:August 5, 2012

Mt. Ohbami

I wanted to photo the top of Mt. Obami. But, this photo's main object is Mt. Yari. This photograph is my failure. I couldn't get nice Obami's photo.
But shape of Mt. Yari  from there was very nice. The charm made me photoed such angle.
By the way, I conquered 3 mountains which I missed 2 years ago. I satisfied about it.

Date:August 5, 2012

Lidge to Lance

A long ridge reached to Mt. Yari. A peak in front of Yari is Mt. Obamidake. What a beautiful ridge it is ! I've sometimes seen this landscape on climbing magazine. Many photographers must be love this landscape.

Date:August 5, 2012

French couple

At the top of Mt. Nakadake, only a couple of foreigner were there. So, I ask him to photo me with nameboard. Of course, I asked in English. He got it very friendly.
He said they were French. And, I said them I went from Hiroshima. He knew Hiroshima as a city where the atomic bomb blasted. His wife (or girl friend) was very white and beautiful. She looked like French doll. I was realy envious of him.

Date:August 5, 2012

Mt. Nakadake

There was a nice landscape at the top of Mt. Nakadake.
But, this photo's angle was my mistake. I wanted to photo of top of Mt. Nakadake. This photo's main is not Mt. Nakadake, but Mt. Yar. In North Alps, Yari always be conspicuous around there.

Date:August 5, 2012

Mt. Minamidake

Top of Mt. Minamidake was there near the campsite. I reached there easily. It must be easy climbing on that day when I compare with the previous day.
About 2 years ago, I thought I want to climb Mt. Minamidake, Nakadake and Obamidake. But, I couldn't. So I have special feeling to these mountains. At last, I climbed Mt. Minamidake.

Date:August 5, 2012

Thursday, August 09, 2012


I ate Donburi and ramen at the night. In the mountain, I always eat such a food. I can cook easily and they can make energy in my body.
In the green pack, white rice was there. I could eat delicious rice by only to put boiled water in it. The volume was enough for dinner and breakfast. So, there was no need to make rice in every morning.
But, I had a snoot full of such a food at the third night. At the next climbing, I'll bring another nice food.

Date:August 4, 2012

Minamidake camp site

After I through dangerous area, I reached to lodge Minamidake. At first, I planned to walk to next lodge at the day. But, I was tired by hard course, and the time had been late. So, I decided to stay at this camp site.
As I decided to stay here, Climbing Mt. Nishihotakadake had been impossible. It mean that conquering 4 Hotakadake had been failed.
As alternative plan, I planned to climb Mt. Minamidake, Mt. Nakadake and Mt. Obamidake.

Date:August 4, 2012